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Writer's picturePortia Collins

A Believer's Manifesto: Still I hope in God

Updated: Mar 16, 2020

Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash

Some people will never understand what it means to have faith in God. They’ll look at you and try to figure out what it is that’s got you so “hooked” on Him. They’ll think it’s foolish of you to continue to submit to God during times of extreme misfortune. Many won’t be able to comprehend the sovereignty of God because they only view God as a means to an end. When the prosperity ends, so does their faithfulness. These are the very things that Job experienced during his lifetime. Job went through so much pain and suffering. Everyone around him kept looking at him as if he was stupid for trusting God. His friends assumed that he must’ve done something to lose the “prosperity” in his life. They couldn’t fathom Job being blessed and highly favored without some type of materialistic proof. Even Job’s wife thought it would be best if he’d curse God and just roll over and die. But as Job stood in the face of adversity, pain, and suffering he remains steadfast with hope in God. In the thirteenth chapter of this book, Job affirms his hope in God and in the verses 15-16 he says,

Though He slay me, I will hope in Him. Nevertheless I will argue my ways before Him.
This also will be my salvation, For a godless man may not come before His presence. (Job 13:15-16 NASB)

Do you understand what Job is proclaiming here? He’s basically saying that he will continue to trust God even if God chooses to take his life. Job had already lost everything that was of earthly value. But even the possibility of losing his very life wasn’t enough to make him turn away from God. He knew that death meant he’d actually stand face to face to God because he was a man who was completely surrendered to God. He was not godless, because God had not left him (even in the midst of all the disorder he was experiencing). God was still there and Job still trusted Him.

Do you know why Job was able to get through his many storms of life? It wasn’t because he had foreknowledge that God would restore everything to him. He had no clue if or when it'd get better. It wasn’t because someone had told him to “reach up and grab his blessing.” It wasn’t because he had a specific timeline on how long his suffering would last. Job knew none of these things. But guess what he did know? Job knew that his earthly pain could never outweigh the eternal glory that is only experienced through God. He had a hope that exceeded earthly expectations. Job knew that God was the ONLY true way of escape.

Please understand this, the suffering in this life is temporary. It may seem like forever and it may hurt like hell. But I can assure you that those who truly trust in the Lord, will one day see an eternal end to suffering, pain, death, and heartache. I am 100% sure of this. But I am also 100% sure of something else...that is, if your life is not marked by continual repentance and if you do not bear the fruit of a life fully trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation, then you will surely lift up your eyes in hell. What you will experience in eternal hell will be exceedingly worse than anything this life has to offer. I don’t care how pretty you look, how “good” people think you are, or how much you’re loved and respected by your peers. None of that matters. Only those who have true, full, and lasting faith in God will be saved. I do not say any of this to scare any of you, but as a believer and disciple of Christ, I am obliged to tell you the truth. Please heed. I urge you to repent and believe in Christ Jesus for salvation today.

I'd like to end this by sharing a few things on my heart. I feel led to write these things out not just for the sake of my readers, but also for myself. More importantly, I am led to write these things out in response to the wiles of the devil. Satan is working hard to destroy the faith of believers everywhere. He prowls around looking for opportunities to wreak havoc on the lives of believers with the hope that they'll turn back to sin, the world, and ultimately him. But just like Job, for the rest of my days, I will continue to place my hope in God. And there is no trial, circumstance, amount of suffering or pain that can pluck me out of the hand of God (John 10:28-29). So, with that being said:

  1. I will exalt God and continue to point people to Christ by sharing the truth of His Word with people near and far. With tears in my eyes and trembling hands, I will do what God has called me to do and will unapologetically pour out every ounce of my life for Him.

  2. When satan rears his ugly head with attempts to sift and destroy my faith, I will rest wholly in the power of God. For it is by God's power and might that every battle is won.

  3. I will lay hold of the promises of God. When I am uncertain, fearful, angry or sad, I will remind myself of the covenant-keeping God who never lies or reneges on His Word. His promises are true and I know that he will faithfully take care of all who are His.

  4. I will not isolate myself from the body of Christ; specifically, those sisters and brothers in Christ who can and will share in my burdens and encourage me in the faith. When I am weak, I will humbly walk with brothers and sisters in the faith who can share in carrying my burdens and weakness.

  5. I will not find my satisfaction in perishable things, people, or situations, but will look to God to supply everything that I truly need. In Christ, I am whole, covered, and supplied with every need for eternity.

  6. I will always believe that God is good and his mercy endures forever!

Grace and peace,


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Deepak Sardar
Deepak Sardar
24 gen 2023

Thank you for sharing this profound article! God bless your ministry work for His cause!

Mi piace
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